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FoodTech 8 All You Can Eat

(A.K.A. "Buffet")
 Bobby Bognar explores buffets and their most popular dishes; catching shrimp by tickling them in Florida; making horseradish in Wisconsin; how bees make honey for glazing ham in California; sugar cane farm in Hawaii; the biggest buffet in Las Vegas.

All You Can Eat Host Bobby Bognar travels to America's buffet capital, Las Vegas, to kick off a nationwide exploration of our most popular buffet dishes. Off the sunny Florida coast, Bobby discovers that the secret to catching shrimp is to tickle them. In snowy Wisconsin, he finds out what makes the horseradish for our cocktail sauce so spicy. In California, he dons a protective suit to see how bees make the honey that will glaze another buffet favorite, ham. Can you guess how many flowers bees have to visit to make just one pound of honey? And at a sugar cane farm in Hawaii, he follows the fascinating process of making the sweet stuff key to every buffet dessert. Finally, Bobby explores the immense logistical challenge of staging the buffet itself. And what better place to do that than the biggest buffet in Vegas, the Rio Carnival World Buffet, where an army of chefs whip up 380 different dishes for 4,000 hungry diners every day.
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